Pokemon Raid Emote Pack | Twitch Emotes | Raid Emotes | Viking | Pokemon | Pikachu | Bulbasaur | Charmander | Squirtle | Discord | Youtube
Pokemon Raid Emote Pack
In need of some cute Pokemon emotes for your raids?!
In this pack you will receive Bulbasaur, Charmander, Pikachu, Squirtle and Eevee!
Usable on Twitch, Discord, Youtube & more!
Ready to use instantly with the following sizes provided for each emote-
112x 112px
56x 56px
28x 28px
All files are in .PNG with a transparent background, in a zipped folder.
*The Pikachu emote works best with a white coloured background due to the dark writing as displayed in test photo*
How does it work?
This is a digital file. After purchase, you can instantly download the file and the emotes are ready to use!
Files are for personal use ONLY. Please do not edit, steal or sell this product.
If you are after something more personalized then please reach out to me at msbreezieeart@hotmail.com or via my Instagram @MsBreeziee!
Due to the digital format of the product, I am unable to accept refunds, cancellations, or exchanges for any files.
Thank you for your support and i hope you enjoy your new Pokemon Emotes!
Happy Gaming!!
3x PNG copies of ALL emotes in the mentioned sizes. This will be sent in a confirmation email after purchase.